Nelson Elementary 5th Grade TAG:  Ms. Clark & Mrs. Roberson

MATH in 5th Grade TAG

Welcome to the year in which you will become a MATHMAGICIAN!!!! I LOVE MATH and my goal is for you to love it to this year (if you don't already!). You can check out the skills we will work on each nine weeks on the right. There you will find which skills are coming up so you can begin to practice! And by the way, the only way to become an expert MATHMAGICIAN is to DO YOUR HOMEWORK EVERY NIGHT! Practice makes perfect. You won't have a lot of math homework, but you will have it every night and it is crucial that you complete it!! It is also crucial to ASK QUESTIONS in my class. The COOL kids ask questions when they do not understand something...that is how they earn MATHMAGICIAN status!!! ASK when in doubt!