Nelson Elementary 5th Grade TAG:  Ms. Clark & Mrs. Roberson

Virginia Writing SOLs

At the fifth-grade level, students will continue to grow as writers, experimenting with new modes and purposes. They will spend more time on revising and editing their work as they gain greater understanding of written expression. Precise and descriptive vocabulary and varied sentence structure will become important tools for creating tone and voice within a text. Students will be expected to have greater control over the conventions of writing, including sentence formation, grammar, capitalization, spelling, and punctuation.
[from Virginia Board of Education 2003 "Framework" p.11]
5.8   The student will write for a variety of purposes: to describe, to inform, to entertain, and to explain.
  •     plan and organize information as they write for a variety of purposes
  • use precise, descriptive vocabulary and vary sentence structure as they revise for clarity.
5.9             The student will edit writing for correct grammar, capitalization, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.
All students should:
  •  understand that editing for correct sentence formation, grammar, capitalization, spelling, and punctuation makes the meaning of the writing clearer to the reader