Nelson Elementary 5th Grade TAG:  Ms. Clark & Mrs. Roberson

Unit 1 - Exploring the United States

Unit Objectives Chapter 1:  Discovering the Social Sciences
The student will understand the roles of economists, geographers, political scientists, and historians as social scientists and will identify artifacts that social scientists use in their research.

Chapter 2:  Exploring Regions of the United States

The student will use basic map skills to analyze and create maps.  Key concepts include:
a) use of latitude and longitude to identify location; and
b) interpret a physical map and special purpose maps (elevation, annual rainfall, and population density) of the United States.

Chapter 3:  The Peopling of the United States
The student will identify five ethnic groups influential in the peopling of the United States.  Key concepts include:
a)  settlement stories of each ethnic group; and
b) key contributions to American society made by each ethnic group.